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PříspěvekNapsal: pát 25. led 2013 22:21:00 

Registrován: úte 22. led 2013 16:26:15
Příspěvky: 151

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Outside, somewhere on the slope of the mountain, the girl would already be lying, waiting for the rattle of claws on the grey coral.
So much so that all the rest seemed to take courage, as if infected somewhat with her gaiety.
Only her black hair showed above the sheet and her body under the bedclothes was straight and moulded like a stone effigy on a tomb.

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Yet his countenance was, nevertheless, one of those which all men have seen at some period of their lives, and have never afterwards seen again. My brother was at the stern, holding on to a small empty water- cask which had been securely lashed under the coop of the counter, and was the only thing on deck that had not been swept overboard when the gale first took us. At all events, Scheherazade, who, being lineally descended from Eve, fell heir, perhaps, to the whole seven baskets of talk, which the latter lady, we all know, picked up from under the trees in the garden of Eden-Scheherazade, I say, finally triumphed, and the tariff upon beauty was repealed. But will you take me home as soon as you can? This, I said, is the mark of no human hand.

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